Zamet Hall
Adresa: Trg riječkih olimpijaca 1, Rijeka
Inaugurated in September 2009, Centre Zamet is a new modern public building, located in the vicinity of the open market and primary school. Comprised of an indoor sports hall, a library, community offices, shops, bars, a public square and a parking garage, the complex is a unique social, sports and business centre of the west part of Rijeka.
Centre Zamet is an architecturally acclaimed and award-winning project designed by the 3LHD architects. In 2009, it was awarded with the 'Bernardo Bernardi' award as the most successful achievement in the field of interior design, as well as with the prestigious award by the world renowned architectural website ArchDaily as the 'Building of the Year 2009' in the category of sports buildings.
Silver Medal for individual indoor sports facilites awarded by the Internatinal Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS), 2011.